Buying Old Facebook Accounts for Ads: Things to Consider

Facebook advertising, with its sophisticated targeting capabilities and extensive reach, offers a potent platform for brands to connect with their audience, enhance their market presence, and drive sales. In this environment, old Facebook accounts are perceived as valuable assets by some advertisers due to their established histories and potential for greater trust from the platform's algorithms, which may translate into advantages such as increased ad reach and reduced scrutiny.

However, this approach is mired in complexities and ethical concerns. The practice of buying old Facebook accounts to bypass the typical nurturing and growth processes of a new advertising account can pose significant risks, including the violation of Facebook's terms of service, potential legal repercussions, and detrimental effects on brand reputation.

Buying Old Facebook Accounts for Ads

This introduction sets the stage for a comprehensive exploration of buying old Facebook accounts for ads, aiming to unpack the motivations behind this strategy, the risks it entails, and the broader implications for advertisers. It also seeks to provide a balanced perspective, highlighting alternative strategies that adhere to ethical standards and platform guidelines, ensuring sustainable advertising success on one of the world's most influential digital platforms.

Understanding Old Facebook Accounts

When we refer to "old Facebook accounts," we're talking about profiles that have been established and active on the platform for an extended period. Unlike new accounts, which are freshly created, old accounts have a history of interactions, posts, and possibly a broad network of connections, giving them a sense of authenticity and a lived-in feel.

Characteristics of Old Facebook Accounts:

  1. Age: These accounts have existed for several years, distinguishing them from newer accounts that lack a significant timeline of activity.
  2. Activity History: They typically showcase a consistent history of genuine user interactions, including posts, likes, comments, and shares.
  3. Friend Network: Old accounts often have an extensive network of friends or followers, accumulated over years of activity.
  4. Reputation: Due to their longstanding presence and activity, these accounts may be perceived as more trustworthy by other users and potentially by Facebook's algorithms.

Why Old Accounts Attract Advertisers:

  1. Trust and Credibility: Advertisers believe that ads from older, well-established accounts might face fewer hurdles during the approval process and are less likely to be flagged for review.
  2. Ad Performance: There's a perception that ads run from old accounts benefit from better delivery and engagement rates, as these accounts are seen as more genuine.
  3. Platform Algorithms: Some marketers speculate that Facebook's algorithms may favor content from older accounts, assuming they represent real, engaged users rather than potential spam or bot activity.

The Perceived Value of Old Accounts in Advertising:

Old Facebook accounts are sought after in certain marketing circles under the assumption that they can provide a head start in advertising campaigns, leveraging their established trustworthiness to bypass some of the constraints that might hinder newer accounts. However, it's crucial for advertisers to remember that using such accounts can come with significant risks, especially if the account acquisition violates Facebook's terms of service.


The Market for Old Facebook Accounts

The market for old Facebook accounts is a clandestine yet flourishing segment of the digital marketplace, driven by the demand from various entities seeking to leverage these accounts for advertising, influencer marketing, or to bypass Facebook's restrictions and vetting processes. Understanding this market requires a closer look at its dynamics, the parties involved, and the motivations behind purchasing such accounts.

Nature of the Market:

  • The market operates predominantly underground or through less-visible channels, including online forums, specialized websites, and private networks.
  • Transactions are often discreet, with an emphasis on anonymity and avoiding detection by platforms like Facebook.

Sellers and Sources:

  • Sellers range from individuals who have cultivated multiple accounts over time to organized entities specializing in the mass creation and aging of accounts.
  • Some accounts are sourced through unethical means, including hacking or deception, raising significant legal and moral questions.


  • The buyer demographic is diverse, encompassing small businesses, digital marketers, and sometimes malicious actors seeking to exploit the platform's reach for spamming, scamming, or influencing discourse.
  • Legitimate advertisers might seek these accounts under the misconception that an older account will face fewer restrictions and provide a more stable platform for ad campaigns.

Pricing Dynamics:

  • The price of an old Facebook account can vary widely based on perceived value, influenced by factors such as the account's age, activity history, geographic location, and associated social capital (friends, followers, page likes, etc.).
  • Pricing opacity and the lack of standardization make the market volatile and ripe for exploitation and scams.

Risks for Buyers:

  • Beyond the ethical and legal implications, buyers face significant risks, including the potential for fraud, receiving accounts that are already flagged or compromised, and facing subsequent enforcement actions by Facebook.

Market Evolution:

  • As Facebook continues to enhance its detection and enforcement mechanisms, the market adapts, with sellers devising new strategies to create and age accounts that appear genuine and buyers seeking more sophisticated means of verifying account quality.

Impact on the Platform:

  • The trade in old Facebook accounts undermines the platform's integrity, complicating efforts to ensure authenticity, protect user data, and maintain a trustworthy environment for advertisers and users alike.


Pros of Using Old Facebook Accounts for Advertising

While the practice of using old Facebook accounts for advertising is fraught with ethical and legal issues, it's essential to understand why some advertisers might consider this option appealing. Here are some perceived advantages:

Established Trust and Credibility:

  • Older Facebook accounts are often perceived as more trustworthy by both the platform and its users. Advertisers believe that ads from these accounts face fewer hurdles in the approval process and are less likely to be flagged for review.

Enhanced Ad Delivery:

  • An account with a history of engagement and activity might benefit from better ad delivery. Facebook's algorithms could potentially favor these accounts, assuming they offer genuine engagement and follow community standards.

Access to a Wider Audience:

  • Old accounts may have accumulated friends, followers, or page likes over time, providing a built-in audience for advertising campaigns. This can be particularly attractive for new or small businesses lacking a significant online presence.

Avoidance of New Account Restrictions:

  • Facebook imposes limitations on new accounts to prevent spam and malicious activities. These can include restrictions on ad spending or the content types allowed. Older accounts are often beyond these initial scrutiny phases, offering more flexibility in advertising.

Potential for Pre-Verified Accounts:

  • Some old accounts might come pre-verified, adding an extra layer of authenticity and trust, which can be particularly appealing for advertisers seeking to establish credibility quickly.

Historical Data and Insights:

  • An established Facebook account can provide valuable historical data and insights, allowing advertisers to analyze past engagement trends and tailor their strategies accordingly.

Perceived Cost-Effectiveness:

  • For some businesses, buying an old account might seem cost-effective compared to the time and resources needed to grow and verify a new account organically, especially if they are under pressure to achieve quick results.


Risks and Legal Considerations


While there are perceived advantages to using old Facebook accounts for advertising, the risks and legal considerations are substantial and should be carefully evaluated. Here's a breakdown of the key risks and legal aspects associated with this practice:

Violation of Facebook's Terms of Service:

  • Facebook's terms clearly prohibit the sharing, buying, or selling of accounts. Using an old account purchased from someone else can lead to the account being permanently banned once detected.
  • Advertisers risk losing their advertising privileges on the platform, which can severely impact their overall marketing strategy.

Account Security and Authenticity Risks:

  • Old accounts bought from third parties may not be secure. They could be reclaimed by the original owner, hacked, or compromised, posing significant security risks.
  • There is also no guarantee that the account's followers or engagement metrics are authentic, which could affect ad performance and credibility.

Legal Implications:

  • Engaging in the purchase or sale of Facebook accounts can have legal repercussions, particularly if the transaction involves deceit, fraud, or breaches contractual agreements.
  • Advertisers could face lawsuits or penalties if the use of such accounts involves illicit activities or the dissemination of prohibited content.

Reputational Damage:

  • Businesses associated with unethical practices, such as buying old accounts for advertising, risk severe damage to their reputation. Trust, once lost, is challenging to rebuild, especially in the digital age where information spreads quickly.
  • Consumers value authenticity and transparency, and any deviation from these principles can lead to loss of customer loyalty and negative publicity.

Financial Losses:

  • Investing in old accounts comes with no assurance of return on investment. If the account gets banned or fails to deliver the expected advertising results, the financial outlay could result in a net loss.
  • There may also be hidden costs associated with rectifying issues or legal fees if disputes arise.

Operational Disruptions:

  • Dependency on an old account for advertising can lead to operational disruptions if the account is suddenly banned or restricted, impacting marketing campaigns and timelines.
  • The effort and resources needed to address these disruptions can detract from core business activities.

Data Privacy Concerns:

  • Using an old account with access to personal data from its original setup can raise data privacy issues, potentially violating laws like GDPR or CCPA and resulting in fines or legal action.


Alternatives to Buying Old Accounts


Exploring alternatives to buying old Facebook accounts is crucial for maintaining ethical standards and compliance with Facebook's terms of service. Here are legitimate and effective strategies to enhance your Facebook advertising efforts without resorting to purchasing old accounts:

Building Your Own Facebook Presence:

  • Develop your Facebook page organically by posting engaging content, interacting with your audience, and using Facebook's tools to gradually build your presence and credibility.
  • Consistent and authentic engagement will grow your page's followers and establish a solid foundation for your advertising campaigns.

Leveraging Facebook Ad Campaigns:

  • Utilize Facebook's advertising platform to create targeted ad campaigns that reach your desired audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.
  • Use A/B testing and campaign optimization features to improve your ads' effectiveness and maximize your return on investment.

Engaging with Influencers:

  • Partner with influencers who already have a strong presence and credibility on Facebook to promote your brand or products.
  • Influencers can help you reach a broader audience, generate engagement, and build trust more quickly than starting from scratch.

Facebook Marketing Partners:

  • Consider working with a Facebook Marketing Partner, agencies certified by Facebook that have proven expertise in helping businesses succeed on the platform.
  • These partners can provide advanced tools, expertise, and best practices to enhance your advertising strategy.

Content Marketing:

  • Invest in creating high-quality, valuable content that resonates with your audience and encourages shares and engagement.
  • Effective content marketing can increase your brand's visibility on Facebook and drive organic growth.

Facebook Groups:

  • Participate in or create Facebook groups that align with your brand or industry to engage with potential customers and build a community around your business.
  • Groups can be a powerful tool for establishing authority, driving engagement, and fostering loyalty.

Customer Advocacy:

  • Encourage satisfied customers to share their experiences and promote your brand on their personal Facebook accounts.
  • Word-of-mouth marketing can be incredibly effective in building trust and expanding your reach on the platform.



In conclusion, while the allure of buying old Facebook accounts for advertising purposes might seem tempting due to perceived immediate benefits and shortcuts to success, the practice is fraught with significant risks, legal issues, and ethical concerns. Such actions can lead to account suspensions, reputational damage, and even legal consequences, undermining the very goals businesses strive to achieve through their advertising efforts.

Instead of purchasing old accounts, businesses should focus on building their presence organically on Facebook, leveraging legitimate strategies that align with the platform's guidelines and foster genuine engagement. These methods include developing engaging content, utilizing targeted advertising campaigns, engaging with influencers, collaborating with Facebook Marketing Partners, and nurturing a community around your brand.